Preliminary Exercise Tasks: Health Drink Advert

 1) Write a 100 word statement of intent explaining what you are going to make for your preliminary exercise.

i am going to do a 30-40 second video. Im going to be in the gym working out doing weightlifting, without being energised and i look next to me and  shymia is drinking this innocent drink which is giving her energy which is what i need. The next morning i go to the shop and buy it for myself to see if the drink is effective. The beginning will be me doing leg machines and I'm not energised. Then i see a girl on the treadmill who's fully energised drinking innocent. I'm going to set this in the day morning time so it looks more realistic and relates to peoples daily life as many people go gym in the morning to start the day off being productive
In the middle of the advert im going to be located in tesco to go and collect the drink that i want to get showing the packshot of the health drink. I will be looking for it and then go outside. Then im going to try the drink and  eventually get a boost of energy and feel so much better. 
The middle of the advert will involve the character discovering the product with close-up shots of the product (pack shot) and also the character drinking the product feeling way more energised and put together and ready for the day.
Statement of intent: 100 words explaining what you plan to make.

Example statement of intent [147 words]: 
I plan to make a 30 second advert about a student struggling in school due to tiredness and behaviour issues who is helped by their rehydrating health drink. The beginning of the advert will have a montage editing sequence of different issues that the student is having with a soundtrack that fits a negative overall mood. My character will be in school uniform that is deliberately messed up to help communicate the struggles the student is experiencing.
The middle of the advert will involve the character discovering the product with close-up shots of the product (pack shot) and also the character drinking the product. The advert will then end with the character alert, in perfect uniform and answering a question in class and being successful. The final seconds will have a logo and slogan of the health drink with a voiceover saying the product name and slogan. [147 words]
2) Write a script for your preliminary exercise on your blog. This needs to include stage directions AND dialogue. To see how a TV drama script is presented, and to look at professional examples, check out the BBC Writers' Room and click on Script Library. These will not be advert scripts but the layout will be the same.
(weighting lifts  with no energy and looks next to me and sees a girl drinking this drink)
*goes up to the girl*
me "how come you have so much energy?"
friend "ive been drinking innocent everyday during my workout sessions!"
me "really? , what flavour do u recommend?"
friend "strawberry for sure! it has a burst of flavour and nourishment!"
*next day i go and buy the innocent drink*
(drinks innocent before working out)
(i feel so much more energised and ready)

3) Casting: Who will be in your preliminary exercise advert?
me, prachi, shymia and zaawiya                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

4) Plan your locations: Where you will film your preliminary exercise? (You can film off-site if you wish to do this for homework - this is what we would strongly recommend). Important note: You CANNOT take any students out of any other lessons OR disturb any other lessons in the school. If you wish to film in-school then you will need to film with Mr Ray supervising or after school with a Media teacher present. 
first it will be in the school gym and then the next scene will me buying the drink from tesco and then the last scene will be me in the gym

5) Write your shot list: every shot you plan to film. This needs to be far MORE shots than you will actually use in the final edited version - plan extra angles, close-ups, long shots and more. You can find an example shot list here. This is for a narrative film but the layout will be the same. 
close up shot *4
long shot *9
medium close up shot *4
pack shot *3


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